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School Times


  8.50am – 10.50am      Class time

10.50am – 11.10am      Recess

11.10am – 1.10pm       Class time

 1.10pm – 1.40pm        Lunchtime

 1.40pm – 2.50pm        Class times   

        2.50pm                  School Finishes

Arrival Time

Please ensure that your child is at school AT LEAST 10 minutes before lessons commence. Late arrivals really do affect the continuity of the day, not only your child but others in the class. We would also appreciate children NOT arriving before 8.30 am, as this is a time for teachers to prepare for the day and they will not be on playground duty.


Kindergarten (4 year olds) attend 2 full days per week 1st semester and 3 full days in 2nd semester.


Monday and Tuesday  8.50am – 2.50pm Semester One

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday  8.50am – 2.50pm Semester Two




Pre Primary students will attend five days a week, from 8.50am - 2.50pm.
Pre Primary is now a compulsory year for students, and absences should be kept to a minimum.

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