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There are two buses currently servicing Walkaway Primary School. The Walkaway East Bus, and the Walkaway /Greenough/ Minnenooka run. New parents must apply to have their child/children included on the bus service.

This can be done online at


Requests for other children to travel on the bus must be directed to the driver first and then the office should be informed. For safety reasons we need to know who is on the bus.


It is the responsibility of the parent to advise your bus driver if your children won’t be on the bus, and to make sure children are aware of changes to their normal routines.


Contact Details for Buses:

Walkaway East – contact Mrs Diane Stewart - 0439 946083 
Walkaway/Greenough/Minnenooka - contact Anne Pekaar – 0402 503411

The ‘end of school’ bell will be rung at 2.50pm

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